LIZZIE MARTINEZ is an IFBB Bikini Pro, Personal Trainer, & Owner Sun City Athletic Club in El Paso, TX. Her Passion for fitness has lead her to a passion to help others become more fit and healthy individuals. When deciding what direction Lizzie wanted to go with a career she decided personal training and she has been blessed to help hundreds of girls attain their dream bodies. Fitness modeling and bikini competitions have become another career for Lizzie winning 5 competitions in a row becoming an undefeated bikini pro. She now travels to compete in the pro circuit and has been doing very well.
"Sometimes it can be intimidating to start weight lifting as a woman. My goal is to educate women about how to work a gym, how to eat right, and feel comfortable & comfident in their own bodies!"
-Lizzie Martinez
Happily married to Shane Martinez.
Together we have created what is now Sun City Athletic Club in El Paso TX, a 16,000 sq ft gym with over 120 peices of equipment.
We love learning and educating which is why we give free nutrition seminars all over the city and why we started our podcast - Swolemates Podcast. You can listen to our conversations about all things health, love and fitness!
We are also partnered with the City of El Paso's health initiative - LiveActiveEP to host free workouts around the city and offer free nutrition workshops.
In our free time we enjoy going to church together, going to the movies, and just Netflix and chill.